Everything You Need to Know About iPhone Screen Repairs

Everything You Need to Know About iPhone Screen Repairs

We all drop our phones from time to time, and sometimes it ends in disaster. At imFixed, we are all too familiar with the pain of dropping your brand-new iPhone only for the screen to shatter. That’s why we’ve put this article together to talk through everything you need to know about iPhone screen repairs, and a couple of things you should know.   

What Are iPhone Screens Made of?

If you want to know how to repair an iPhone screen, you need to understand what the screen is made of. However, the materials that iPhone screens are made of have evolved over the years, and screens can be made from Gorilla Glass, Ceramic Shield, or even arsenic-free display glass in the case of much older iPhone models. 

Are All iPhone Screens Made From the Same Material?

No, not all iPhone screens are made from the same material. From the iPhone 12 onwards (except for the iPhone SE, which uses Gorilla Glass 4), Apple started using ceramic shield screens rather than Corning Gorilla Glass. Although Apple has boasted that the new Ceramic Shield is far tougher than the other Gorilla Glass, there has been little to no evidence to actually back up this statement. 

Removing Ceramic Shield screens is very different from Gorilla Glass screens. With Ceramic Shield screens, they will consistently crack with removal – a bit like when you are peeling a boiled egg. 

If you go further back, aluminosilicate glass was used on models like the iPhone 4, as was arsenic-free display glass for these older iPhone models. 

Can an iPhone Screen be Repaired

Everything You Need to Know About iPhone Screen Repairs

Some iPhone screens may be repaired, but in most cases, you will need to have the screen replaced entirely. There is only so much you can do for a shattered screen, unfortunately. 

Since these screens are made from glass, it’s inevitable that they will break at some point. Maybe you dropped it, or sat on it, or something else. The point is, they are unlikely to last forever. When you do end up damaging your screen, like scratching it, you might be able to repair it, but if you go beyond that, the screen must be replaced. 

How Much is iPhone Screen Repair?

Apple repairs don’t come cheap. However, prices will vary depending on where you go to get your screen repaired, whether you get a refurbished or ‘copy’ screen, and the iPhone model you have. 

For example, replacing an iPhone 5 and iPhone 6 front screen will cost £20 here at imFixed, and you will have a warranty of 12 months. For an iPhone 7 & 8, front screen replacement is £30. The cost of replacing an iPhone 12 front screen with us is £60, £65 for the iPhone 13, £100 for the iPhone 14, and so on.

Prices will also change depending on whether you have an iPhone Pro Max, Pro, Plus, or Mini. Screen replacements on the iPhone 15 Pro Max cost £550, the 15 Pro is £500, and the 15 plus is £200. 

So, we would always recommend taking every precaution you can when you buy any phone, as a damaged screen will not be cheap. 

Refurbished vs Copy iPhone Screens    

It’s important to note that there will be a price difference between refurbished and copy iPhone screens, as well as a huge difference in quality. Copy screens are manufactured by third parties, while refurbished screens are still officially Apple products. 

Copy screens are of much lower quality and tend to be cheaper. If you have had to get a copy screen replacement for your iPhone, you will notice a difference in brightness, images look washed out, and everything will be a lower resolution. 

After spending all that money on a top-of-the-range mobile phone, you are not going to want to downgrade to a copy screen. 

Can iPhone Screen Scratches be Repaired?

It may be possible to repair some minor scratches on your iPhone at home, but remember that you might do more harm than good. 

If your screen is scratched, it’s worth leaving it alone rather than going to a repair shop to get a replacement. Although some shops will offer services that can help with scratches in your screen, it usually isn’t worth the money you would spend.

Scratches are a key reason why we recommend you use screen protectors for all your mobile devices, iPhone or not. They offer much-needed protection from all the dangers that your phone goes through on a daily basis, and can be replaced if you shatter it or scratch it. 

Screen protectors are far more affordable than getting your whole screen replaced, and we all want to save money in the end, right? 

Repairing iPhone Screen Scratches at Home

If you really want to try to remove superficial scratches from your iPhone screen, there are a few different methods you could try. Just remember that it’s usually best to simply leave them be if they are not interfering with the functionality of your phone, as you could damage your phone further. 

Some options to try may include:

  • Using a magic eraser – these work fantastically for those pesky screen scratches, and you can even make your own erasers for all kinds of things at home.
  • Toothpaste (for screen protectors only) – using toothpaste on a screen itself could result in more tiny scratches, but it works perfectly well for scratched screen protectors. 
  • A regular rubber – much to our surprise, these can work remarkably well. Just gently rub the rubber on the scratches for around a minute. Be careful not to be too rough with it!
  • Car products like headlight lens cream or wax – if you want to have a shiny screen and make those annoying scratches fade, some car products could do the trick. 

Can an iPhone’s Back Glass be Repaired?

The black glass of your iPhone can absolutely be repaired and replaced, and this costs far less than replacing the front screen. For an iPhone 15 Pro Max, replacing the back cover costs £75 with us, and for an iPhone 5, just £25. 

Replacement is more likely to happen than a repair, because once glass is cracked, there is nothing you can do about it. Even if you continue to use a phone with a back case that is cracked, you are putting the rest of your phone in danger. 

So, if you have cracked the back glass of your phone, get it repaired as soon as possible so that you aren’t putting your phone at risk. We know you spent enough money on it as-is, and buying a totally new device would be painful, so fixing iPhone back glass when possible is ideal. 

To protect your phone’s back glass, we recommend using high quality and durable phone cases. Like screen protectors, these are far more affordable than replacing your phone’s back glass – plus, they are stylish and make your phone truly feel like your own. 

imFixed is Here to Help 

Everything You Need to Know About iPhone Screen Repairs

imFixed can help you with all kinds of repairs in Manchester, Bury, Bolton, Rochdale, Wigan, and Blackburn. We do emergency phone repairs, so you can get the help you need whenever and wherever you are.

Here, we also want to give you the tools you need to make informed decisions when it comes to iPhone screen repairs, including what to do when your phone screen cracks, approaches to screen repair, and all about repairing broken smartphone screens

Now that you’ve read everything you need to know about iPhone screen repairs, you know that it’s worth repairing your broken screen over buying a new device. It may not be cheap, but it’s worth the money, and professionals like us are always here to help.    

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