Damaging any smartphone screen is a painful experience, but this can increase tenfold when it’s a new device. Replacements are expensive as it is, but when you have a brand-new iPhone in your pocket, and you slip on ice, you might want to spend the rest of the week crying into a blanket as you ask yourself, “How much does iPhone 16 screen repair cost” between the sobs and mouthfuls of chocolate.
In this article, we will explore what you need to know about iPhone screen repairs and talk about prices that you’re going to want to know about. To help you determine if you desperately need a screen repair, we will also talk about what damage should immediately get fixed, and if you can do any kind of repairs at home.
For those who need repairs, we talk about iPhone battery replacement costs and if it’s possible to straighten a bent iPhone. We also teach you how to combat screen burn-in, and why your iPhone might be hot to the touch or dim, getting no service, drop calls, or pair with your car.
When Do You Need a Screen Repair?
It’s important to point out first and foremost that not all screen damage will actually require a repair. A lot of damage is only superficial, which means that it poses no risk to your device’s safety by threatening the waterproofness or anything else.
Things like superficial scratches can be an eyesore, but are nothing to worry about. If you can determine that your screen has some shallow marks, then you don’t need to rush it to your nearest repair shop. In most cases, you can even fix this issue yourself if the scratches bother you so much – but we will go through how to do that in a section below.
More severe damage can be dangerous to your device and threaten its security. This can be deep cracks through the glass, or even the glass getting shattered. If this happens, it can allow water to get through to the rest of the device.
Not only that, but severely damaged screens can be dangerous to you as well. The sharp glass can easily cut you depending on the break, so getting badly broken screens repaired is important for the sake of your fingers, too.
Can a Broken Screen Cause Issues in an iPhone?
Yes, having a broken iPhone screen can cause issues in the device itself if the damage is bad enough. There are many ways that a broken screen can impact the device and lead to further damage, but remember that this won’t apply to things like superficial scratches – so try not to worry too much.
If the screen has been shattered, or the cracks go all the way through the glass, things like the responsiveness of the screen can fail. If it’s bad enough, the screen may be completely unresponsive to the touch.
Depending on how the screen broke in the first place, there could be additional concerns about the iPhone’s inner pieces.
Can You Repair the Screen at Home?

One thing we love about technology is that it provides endless opportunities for DIY experiences. With that being said, however, you might want to think twice about replacing a shattered iPhone 16 screen at home if you have never replaced a screen in your life.
Replacing a broken iPhone screen isn’t the easiest thing in the world, and one wrong move can spell disaster. If you don’t know your way around tech repairs, we would recommend bringing your device in for professionals – the device costs enough as-is, and paying for a whole new one will hurt more than your bank account.
With that being said, if you do have experience in screen repairs and have managed to successfully pull it off before, then you should have the confidence to repair an iPhone 16 screen, too. If not, we would recommend that you at least practice on some older models that you don’t mind breaking and use in-depth tutorials to help you through it and follow along carefully to avoid any mistakes.
DIY Solutions and Repairs for Minor Damage
For superficial scratches, there are DIY options at your disposal that could do the trick. We will list a few of the best options below, but remember that it’s usually best to simply leave the screen alone and wait for it to get worse to make a screen repair worth the money.
Some iPhone screen scratch removal options to try may include:
- Using a magic eraser – these work fantastically for those pesky screen scratches, and you can even make your own erasers for all kinds of things at home.
- Toothpaste (for screen protectors only) – using toothpaste on a screen itself could result in more tiny scratches, but it works perfectly well for scratched screen protectors.
- A regular rubber – much to our surprise, these can work remarkably well. Just gently rub the rubber on the scratches for around a minute. Be careful not to be too rough with it!
- Car products like headlight lens cream or wax – if you want to have a shiny screen and make those annoying scratches fade, some car products could do the trick.
How Much Does iPhone 16 Screen Repair Cost
Screen repairs are some of the most costly repairs for any technology, and iPhones are no different. Repairing a broken screen can cost anywhere from as little as £20 up to £550, depending on the iPhone model.
So, how much does iPhone 16 screen repair cost? At imFixed, you can expect to pay £320 for this screen repair.
Models like the iPhone 15 Pro Max and the iPhone 14 Pro Max are some of the most expensive for obvious reasons, while the older iPhone 5 and 6 are relatively inexpensive at just £20.
You can expect the following prices for screen repairs at imFixed for different iPhone models:
- iPhone 15 Pro Max – £550
- iPhone 15 Pro – £500
- iPhone 15 – £200
- iPhone 14 Pro Max – £520
- iPhone 14 Pro – £500
- iPhone 14 – £100
- iPhone 13 Pro Max – £400
- iPhone 13 Pro – £280
- iPhone 13 – £65
- iPhone 12 Pro Max – £75
- iPhone 12 Pro – £60
- iPhone 11 Pro – £50
- iPhone 11 – £45
- iPhone XS Max – £55
- iPhone XS – £40
- iPhone SE (3rd gen) – £55
- iPhone 6 – £20
iPhone 5 – £20
Preventing Screen Damage is Key
Since screens are some of the most costly repairs you can face, it’s better to not need a repair or replacement in the first place. As such, you need to take measures to protect your iPhone by using things like quality screen protectors and protective cases.
Although not all screen damage actually needs to be fixed right away, it can still be jarring to see scratches or fractures when using your device. Just make sure that you use high-quality products that are Apple-supported. Failing to do this can cause more problems than it’s worth, like an unresponsive screen, or a case that is too tight for the iPhone.
Luckily, there are plenty of fantastic options at your disposal, and you can get cases and screen protectors from tested shops like ours.
Let imFixed Help You

Any newer iPhone model’s screen repair cost is high. It comes with the territory of owning a high-end and quality device like the ones that Apple supplies. However, repairs are not always the answer, and it’s worth waiting for more than superficial scratches before you make an appointment with a trusted local repair shop like us.
At imFixed, we’re here to help you with any tech-related problem that you might come across and answer all your burning questions. We talk you through how to transfer data from an Android to iPhone, how to restore lost data, and how to make sure your iPhone syncs with iCloud.
For troubleshooting, our recent articles have covered issues like how to fix an unresponsive mute switch, how to fix random iPhone shutdowns and app crashes, and fix screen freezes during calls. Whatever problem you’re facing, we’ve probably talked about it.
So, how much does iPhone 16 screen repair cost? For this device, you can expect to pay £320, but expect the cost for iPhone 16 Plus, Pro, and Pro Max to cost more.
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