Reasons Your iPhone Battery May Be Draining

Reasons Your iPhone Battery May Be Draining

Reasons Your iPhone Battery May Be Draining

Understanding the reasons behind iPhone battery drainage is essential for users seeking to optimize their device's performance and battery life. In this in-depth exploration, we will delve into various factors that contribute to iPhone battery drain, offering insights into both common and less-known culprits. From software issues to hardware concerns, this comprehensive guide aims to shed light on the multifaceted aspects influencing iPhone battery life.

 Background App Refresh:

Background App Refresh is a feature that allows apps to refresh content in the background, ensuring that the latest information is available when you open the app. While this feature enhances user experience, it can contribute to significant battery drainage, especially if numerous apps are constantly refreshing in the background. To address this, users can selectively disable Background App Refresh for non-essential apps in the iPhone settings.

Location Services:

Location Services, although crucial for many apps, can be a major culprit in battery drain. Applications accessing your location in the background can consume considerable power. To manage this, review and adjust location settings for each app. Turning off location services for apps that don't require constant tracking can significantly extend battery life.

Push Email:

Push email allows your iPhone to receive emails as soon as they arrive on the server. While convenient, this constant communication can strain the battery. Switching from push to fetch, which checks for new emails at specified intervals, or manually fetching emails, can alleviate this drain. Adjust email settings in the Mail section of iPhone settings to find a balance between immediacy and battery preservation.

Poor Network Conditions:

Weak cellular signals or unstable Wi-Fi connections can force the iPhone to work harder to maintain a stable connection. In areas with poor network conditions, the device may increase power usage to boost the signal, leading to accelerated battery drain. When possible, connect to stable Wi-Fi networks and consider enabling Airplane mode in areas with weak cellular signals.

Outdated iOS Version:

Running an outdated iOS version can contribute to battery issues as newer updates often include optimisations and bug fixes. Regularly check for available iOS updates in the Settings app. Keeping the device's operating system up to date ensures it benefits from the latest improvements in power management and overall efficiency.

Background Processes and Widgets:

Certain background processes and widgets can continue running even when you're not actively using your iPhone. Widgets, accessible by swiping right on the home screen, provide real-time information but can contribute to battery drain. Evaluate which widgets are essential and remove or disable unnecessary ones to conserve battery life.

Overuse of Location-Based Apps:

Apps that heavily rely on location services, such as mapping or navigation apps, can significantly impact battery life. Continuous use of GPS for extended periods places a strain on the battery. To mitigate this, use these apps judiciously and close them when not needed. Additionally, consider downloading maps for offline use to reduce real-time data and location access.

Dynamic Wallpapers and Visual Effects:

Dynamic wallpapers and visual effects, while visually appealing, consume more power than static backgrounds. iOS animations, such as parallax effects and dynamic wallpapers that respond to device movement, can contribute to battery drain. Opt for a static wallpaper and disable unnecessary visual effects in the Accessibility section of iPhone settings to conserve battery life.

Battery-Intensive Apps:

Certain apps are inherently more demanding on the battery due to their functionalities. Streaming services, augmented reality apps, and graphics-intensive games can quickly deplete the battery. Monitor battery usage in the Settings app to identify and manage apps consuming a disproportionate amount of power. Closing unused background apps can also help preserve battery life.

Faulty Battery or Hardware Issues:

In some cases, accelerated battery drain may be attributed to a faulty battery or hardware issues. As iPhone batteries age, their capacity decreases, leading to shorter battery life. If you suspect a hardware problem, visit an authorized Apple service provider or an Apple Store for a thorough diagnostic assessment and potential battery replacement.

Push Notifications:

While push notifications provide real-time updates from apps, they can contribute to battery drain, particularly if numerous apps are configured to push notifications. Review and customize notification settings for each app to minimize unnecessary alerts. Prioritise critical notifications and disable or adjust settings for less urgent ones.

Excessive Background Processes:

Apps running background processes, such as updates, downloads, or syncs, can contribute to battery drainage. Check the Background App Refresh settings to manage which apps can perform tasks in the background. Disabling unnecessary background processes can conserve battery power without compromising essential functionalities.

Unoptimised Apps:

Not all apps are optimised for efficient battery usage. Some third-party apps may have bugs or inefficient coding that leads to increased power consumption. Regularly update apps through the App Store to benefit from performance improvements and bug fixes. If a specific app is consistently causing battery issues, consider reaching out to the app developer for support.

iCloud Syncing:

Continuous iCloud syncing for photos, documents, and other data can contribute to battery drain, especially if a large amount of data needs to be uploaded or downloaded. Adjust iCloud settings to control which types of data are synced and when the syncing process occurs. This can help strike a balance between seamless data synchronisation and optimal battery life.

Excessive Screen Brightness:

The iPhone's display is a significant contributor to overall power consumption. Keeping the screen brightness at maximum levels or using auto-brightness in environments where it's not needed can lead to unnecessary battery drain. Adjust screen brightness manually and use auto-brightness judiciously to optimize power usage.


Identifying and addressing the reasons behind iPhone battery drain is crucial for maintaining optimal device performance. The multifaceted nature of battery issues requires users to be proactive in managing settings, updating software, and optimising app usage. By incorporating the strategies discussed in this comprehensive guide, users in Manchester or anywhere else can enhance their iPhone's battery life, ensuring a more reliable and enduring mobile experience.

Apple is famous for its amazing innovation. However, their products' performance comes at a price – and not simply monetarily either. Each new iPhone is savvier than the last, yet while software keeps on entering new dimensions, battery life can't exactly keep up.

Anyone who regularly uses the Apple iPhone will be at ease with playing games while commuting to work and stopping at cafes.However, do you know which features are at fault for drinking valuable juice from your battery? Some may surprise you...

The consistent search

Think of your iPhone as a determined forager – all-time on the lookout for the most important information in the deep sea of the internet. Once the iPhone sniffs Wi-Fi in the territory, your iPhone will try to connect to the network immediately. On the off chance that there's 4G or 5G nearby, your iPhone will do its best to connect. Apple gadgets are on constant red alert for the ideal signal strength, and such excess seeking causes a significant drain on the battery.

By offering your phone a reprieve from the search, you can spare battery power and get more life out of your battery. When you're not using your phone, head into settings and turn it off.

• Mobile Data (4G/5G)

• Wi-Fi

• Bluetooth

• App Positioning

System Placement

• Location Service Providers

• Airdrop

• Synchronisation with iCloud

Enacting Airplane Mode will stop some movement, but you may even need to kill Wi-Fi and Bluetooth manually.

Screen Brightness

Apple iPhones have a large screen for ease of use, and illuminating these huge screens puts a genuine strain on the battery. Utilizing your mobile phone as little as possible is a compelling yet impossible task for many iPhone users. One unquestionably reasonable way to make your phone more proficient is by turning down the screen brightness.

Just head into your settings, turn Auto-Brightness off, and keep the brightness as low as possible. The less exertion your iPhone needs to put into lighting up the display, the more power it'll have for undertaking other tasks.

Eccentric Features

Each iPhone software update comes with new, energising features that raise eyebrows, but don't generally include anything useful. Most of the time, these additions exist only as stylish improvements, expanding user enjoyment, not necessarily fulfilling any useful activity. They drain the life out of your battery in the background.

To keep your battery running longer, head into your settings and do the following:

• Reduce Motion – Enabling this option disables the screen's unnecessary animations.

• Siri – Turn off Siri if you don't use it at all. This will save a lot of battery power in the process.

• Vibrate mode: Turning off vibrate can help you save battery life, especially if you get a lot of message notifications or alerts.

Apart from the above, you have three more simple approaches to making your iPhone battery last longer throughout the day.

Battery life diminishes normally after some time, and if your iPhone is scarcely enduring the day, it may be a great opportunity to treat yourself to another iPhone battery. Imfixed offers iPhone battery replacement and screen repair at a moderate cost. Connect with our team at Imfixed in Bolton in case you're having any troubles with your iPhone, by calling us at 01204520520 or emailing us at  

Reasons Your iPhone Battery May Be Draining


1. How do you approach the diagnostic process when a customer brings in an iPad for repair, and what steps are taken to identify the specific issues affecting the device?

Our diagnostic process is thorough and systematic. Trained technicians conduct a comprehensive assessment of the iPad, examining both hardware and software components. This involves running diagnostic tests, checking the functionality of various features, and inspecting for any physical damage. We leverage specialised tools to pinpoint the root cause of the issues reported by the customer, ensuring an accurate diagnosis that forms the basis for the repair plan.

2. What measures do you take to ensure the quality and authenticity of replacement parts used in iPad repairs, and how do you address concerns about the use of non-original components?

We prioritise the use of genuine Apple parts or high-quality alternatives in our iPad repairs. Our sourcing process involves obtaining replacement components from reputable suppliers, ensuring compatibility and optimal performance. We understand concerns about non-original components and want to reassure our customers that the parts we use meet or exceed Apple's standards. Transparency in this regard is crucial, and we are open to discussing the origin and quality of the replacement parts with our customers.

3. Can you provide details about the warranty offered on iPad repairs, and how does your service handle situations where customers may encounter issues post-repair?

Our iPad repairs come with a comprehensive warranty covering both parts and labor. This warranty reflects our commitment to the quality of our work. In the rare event that a customer experiences issues after a repair, we encourage them to reach out promptly. We provide post-repair support, reevaluate the iPad, and address any issues covered under the warranty at no additional cost. Our goal is to ensure customer satisfaction and confidence in the repaired device.

4. How do you approach data security when conducting iPad repairs, particularly when accessing the device's storage or performing software-related fixes?

Data security is a top priority in our repair process. When accessing an iPad's storage for diagnostics or software-related fixes, we use secure and encrypted connections to protect user data. Our technicians follow strict protocols to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of personal information. Customers can trust that their data is handled with the utmost care and security throughout the repair process, with a focus on maintaining privacy and protecting sensitive information.

5. In the case of iPad repairs involving water damage, what specific steps are taken to address potential corrosion, and how do you prevent long-term issues associated with water exposure?

Repairing iPads with water damage requires a specialised approach. Our technicians conduct a detailed inspection to identify areas affected by moisture and corrosion. We use specialised cleaning solutions and tools to mitigate corrosion risks. Damaged components are carefully replaced to prevent long-term issues. Additionally, preventive measures such as applying protective coatings are taken to minimise the risk of future corrosion and ensure the device's longevity. Our goal is not only to address immediate issues but to provide a comprehensive solution that prevents recurring problems related to water damage.

Reasons Your iPhone Battery May Be Draining

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