Why You Should Choose A Local and Independent iPhone Repair Shop

Why You Should Choose A Local and Independent iPhone Repair Shop

Why You Should Choose A Local and Independent iPhone Repair Shop

Whilst Apple stores may offer a faultless service, it may not always be the most affordable or convenient option when you need your iPhone repaired in a hurry. Next time your iPhone gives up the ghost, consider using a local, independent iPhone repair shop in Manchester before getting on the phone to the Apple store.

While Apple's customer service is excellent, you may find that an independent repair shop can provide you with more convenient, personalised, and cost-effective service.

Here are a few reasons to consider contacting Imfixed over an Apple store when you need your phone fixed.


Unless you pay a premium for Apple’s AppleCare+ accidental damage cover, your repair is going to cost a minimum of £136 to replace the screen on an old iPhone 5.

For a brand new model like the iPhone X, you could find yourself facing a bill of nearly £300 for a broken screen and over £550 for other damage! You will be charged a fraction of this price by an independent iPhone repair shop like Imfixed.

Support local businesses.

When you choose an independent iPhone repair shop in Manchester over one of the Apple stores in the Trafford Centre or Arndale, you have the satisfaction of knowing that you are putting money back into the local economy rather than feeding Apple’s almost trillion dollar empire!


If your phone is broken, chances are that you’re feeling pretty anxious to get it up and running as quickly as possible.

It doesn’t occur to many people that they could get their phones fixed elsewhere. The Apple Store may not always be able to fit you in immediately. At independent iPhone repair shops like Imfixed, we will usually have the flexibility to work around your schedule and offer a very fast turnaround time.

Home repair service

Does your phone need to be fixed in a hurry but you are unable to take the time out to travel to a repair shop? When you choose an independent iPhone repair shop like ours, you are more likely to receive personal service that goes that extra mile. At Imfixed, our iPhone repair specialists can be called out to fix your phone at your home, your workplace, or another location convenient for you.


This factor needs to be considered thoroughly because not all new shops are stable and experienced enough to repair a damaged iPhone. However, note that some of the best repair shops might not be big, and some of them might be new.

Although you might want to take into consideration the number of years the repair shop has been in the business of smartphone repair, because an inexperienced repair technician might not have the wherewithal to render quality work. IMFixed has the wealth of experience to serve you accordingly.

Reviews of customers

This is necessary as customers tell it the way it is. IMFixed has great customer reviews and testimonials on their website, social media, or Google, giving you a fairly accurate perspective of the shop’s level of customer service and customer satisfaction. IMFixed has enough success stories of customers about smartphone repair, so this gives you an idea of the experience you will have with our shop.


Apple stores will not give you an appointment easily, and even if they do, it might not fall into your schedule. You might have to wait a few days before you get an appointment. However, at IMFixed, we work 24/7 and are flexible enough to accommodate you at all locations. Just take a walk-in, and your phone will be fixed at a much faster pace, as some iPhone issues can take as little as an hour to repair.

Warranty coverage

IMFixed has a one-year guarantee, comparable to the admittedly respectable 90-day guarantee offer from the Apple Store. Several independent repair shops offer solid warranties that are way better than those offered by Apple stores. Here at IMFixed, you get a one-year warranty on our premium iPhone screen repair.

iPhone repair shops or the Apple Store?

From screen cracks to submersion, we are capable. And if your phone is relatively irreparable, we can easily do a trade with you and get you the best offer, like getting you a respectable fee or replacement. You have an issue with your device and feel the need for repair but are at a loss as to how to approach the issue.

You wonder if you should take it to an iPhone repair shop or an Apple Store. While both are very good options, you have to consider some things and make some findings before handing your phone out.

How to Choose the Right iPhone Repair Shop

If you need to take your damaged iPhone to an iPhone repair shop, check some reviews before choosing an independent shop. Consequences come with giving your phone out for repair when a professional is not involved. Make sure you contact a repair shop that is still in business and has been in business for a few years due to experience. As they say, experience counts.

Technical expertise is required when dealing with sophisticated devices like iPhones. Also, inspect the quality of the parts available in the shop and make sure they are premium original parts. If they are, take note of their usage as they might be there as a deception. The equipment used must be more reliable than cheap aftermarket parts.

Take part in customer reviews as they are going to help you find repair shops that are reliable and offer both transparent pricing and warranty coverage on the job done.

Since there are many repair shops around these days, you wonder, "How do I choose an independent repair shop?"

This is a great question to ask considering the number of devices that are re-fixed every week due to shoddy repair work. When selecting a shop, you will want to consider the quality of the shop’s replacement parts, the cost of repairs, warranty, and reputation.

At Imfixed, we don’t take any shortcuts when it comes to parts. We provide only the highest quality parts available on the market and charge a fair rate for our work.

Another tell-tale sign of our shop is that we provide a warranty. Reputable shops that use high-quality parts will offer a warranty of some kind, and so do we.

A 90-day warranty is standard in this industry. We offer a six-month warranty on our repairs.

Navigating Mobile Repair Shops: A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Right Independent Service

In a world where mobile devices play a central role in our daily lives, encountering issues that require professional repair is almost inevitable. While authorized service providers and manufacturer support are widely available, independent mobile repair shops offer an alternative for those seeking personalised service, competitive pricing, and a local touch. In this extensive guide, we delve into the key considerations when looking for an independent mobile repair shop, empowering consumers to make informed decisions and ensure their devices receive the care they deserve.

The Landscape of Independent Mobile Repair Shops

1. Proliferation of Mobile Devices:

The ubiquity of smartphones and other mobile devices has led to a surge in the demand for repair services. Independent repair shops have emerged to fill this gap, offering a range of solutions for common issues such as broken screens, battery problems, and software glitches.

2. Localised Services:

One of the primary advantages of independent repair shops is their localised nature. Operating within communities, these shops provide convenient solutions for users seeking quick and personalised repairs without the need to navigate the bureaucracy often associated with larger service providers.

Key Considerations When Choosing an Independent Mobile Repair Shop

3. Reputation and Reviews:

Start by researching the reputation of independent repair shops. Online reviews, testimonials, and recommendations from friends or family can provide valuable insights into the quality of service, reliability, and customer satisfaction.

4. Certifications and Training:

Look for repair shops whose technicians are certified and well-trained. Certifications from recognised organisations or manufacturers indicate a commitment to professionalism and expertise in handling various mobile devices.

5. Transparency in Pricing:

A trustworthy repair shop should be transparent about its pricing structure. Request a detailed breakdown of costs, including labor, replacement parts, and any additional fees. This transparency helps customers understand the value they are receiving for their investment.

6. Warranty and Guarantee:

Inquire about the warranty offered on repairs. A reputable repair shop stands behind its work, providing a warranty on both parts and labor. This warranty not only ensures customer confidence but also serves as a commitment to the quality of the repairs.

7. Quality of Replacement Parts:

Ask about the source of replacement parts used in repairs. Independent shops should use genuine or high-quality alternative parts to maintain the performance and integrity of the device. Substandard parts may lead to further issues down the line.

8. Diagnostic Process:

Understand the diagnostic process employed by the repair shop. A thorough diagnostic assessment is crucial for accurately identifying the root cause of mobile device issues. A reliable shop will communicate the findings clearly to the customer.

9. Turnaround Time:

Inquire about the estimated turnaround time for repairs. While a quick turnaround is desirable, it's essential to find a balance, as excessively fast repairs may raise concerns about the thoroughness of the service. Prompt communication regarding timelines is key.

10. Data Security Measures:

For repairs involving data access, ensure that the repair shop follows strict data security protocols. The protection of personal information on mobile devices is paramount, and customers should feel confident that their data is handled with the utmost care.

11. Customer Service and Communication:

Evaluate the level of customer service provided by the repair shop. Clear and responsive communication, both in-person and online, contributes to a positive customer experience. A repair shop that values customer satisfaction will prioritise effective communication.

12. Specialisation in Device Brands:

Some repair shops specialise in specific brands or types of devices. While many are versatile and handle a range of devices, finding a shop with expertise in your specific device brand can be advantageous, especially when dealing with complex issues.

The Repair Process: What to Expect

Understanding the typical repair process in an independent mobile repair shop helps set realistic expectations and ensures a smooth experience for customers:

13. Initial Assessment:

Customers present their mobile devices to the repair shop with details about the issues they are facing. The technician conducts an initial assessment, often involving a brief diagnostic check to identify the apparent problems.

14. Repair Quote:

Based on the diagnostic findings, the repair shop provides a detailed repair quote. This quote outlines the estimated costs, the scope of work, and the parts that may need replacement. Customers review and approve the quote before the repair process begins.

15. Parts Sourcing and Approval:

Upon receiving customer approval, the repair shop sources the necessary replacement parts. Reputable shops prioritise genuine or high-quality alternative parts to ensure the longevity and performance of the repaired device.

16. Repair Execution:

Skilled technicians perform the repairs, addressing the identified issues. This may involve replacing damaged components, fixing software-related problems, or addressing other technical issues. Attention to detail is crucial to achieving a successful repair.

17. Quality Control and Testing:

After completing the repair, the device undergoes rigorous quality control and testing. This phase ensures that all addressed issues have been resolved, and the device functions optimally. Quality control is a vital step to deliver a fully restored and reliable device.

18. Customer Approval and Final Payment:

Customers are informed of the completed repairs, and final approval is sought. The repair shop communicates the final cost, which includes the repair services, replacement parts, and any additional fees. Once the customer approves the final payment, the device is prepared for return.

19. Return of the Repaired Device:

The repaired device is carefully packaged, following the repair shop's guidelines. The return process is initiated, and customers are provided with tracking information to monitor the progress of the package. Upon receipt, customers inspect the device to ensure that the identified issues have been resolved.

20. Post-Repair Support:

Reputable repair shops offer post-repair support, addressing any questions or concerns that may arise after the customer receives the repaired device. This support may include additional guidance on device usage or troubleshooting assistance.

Preventive Measures and Customer Education

21. Educating Customers on Device Care:

A reliable repair shop goes beyond fixing immediate issues; it educates customers on best practices for device care and maintenance. This may include tips on battery preservation, software updates, and protection against common pitfalls.

22. Providing Preventive Services:

Some repair shops offer preventive services such as screen protectors, device cleaning, and diagnostic check-ups to identify potential issues before they become major problems. These services contribute to prolonging the lifespan of mobile devices.

DIY Repairs vs. Professional Services: Weighing the Options

23. Risks of DIY Repairs:

While some users may attempt DIY repairs to save costs, it comes with inherent risks. DIY efforts can void warranties, lead to further damage, and pose challenges in sourcing genuine replacement parts. It's crucial for users to recognise their own technical limitations and the potential consequences of DIY attempts.

24. Value of Professional Expertise:

Engaging professional repair services provides several advantages, including access to skilled technicians, proper diagnostic tools, and a warranty on repairs. The value of professional expertise becomes evident in the quality of the repair and the assurance of a reliable device.

Conclusion: Making Informed Choices for Mobile Repairs

In conclusion, the process of choosing an independent mobile repair shop involves a careful consideration of factors such as reputation, certifications, transparency, and customer service. Users looking to entrust their devices to these shops should prioritise those that align with their specific needs and expectations. Understanding the repair process, from the initial assessment to post-repair support, empowers consumers to navigate the repair landscape with confidence.

The evolving world of mobile devices demands adaptable and reliable repair solutions. Independent repair shops play a crucial role in meeting the diverse needs of users, offering personalised services, competitive pricing, and a local touch that resonates with communities across the globe.

As mobile technology continues to advance, the relationship between users and their devices deepens. Choosing the right repair shop becomes not only a matter of fixing technical issues but also ensuring the longevity and optimal performance of devices that have become integral to our daily lives.

By making informed choices based on reputation, certifications, transparency, and customer service, users can find independent repair shops that align with their values and expectations. The journey from presenting a malfunctioning device to receiving a fully restored one involves a partnership between the customer and the repair shop, with both parties invested in the goal of achieving a successful and satisfying repair experience.

As the mobile repair landscape continues to evolve, users in search of reliable and trustworthy solutions can turn to independent repair shops that prioritise customer satisfaction, quality service, and a commitment to ensuring that every repaired device seamlessly integrates back into the user's life. With these considerations in mind, users can confidently navigate the world of independent mobile repair and forge partnerships that extend the life and functionality of their beloved devices.

Why You Should Choose A Local and Independent iPhone Repair Shop


1. How do you approach the diagnostic process when a customer brings in an iPad for repair, and what steps are taken to identify the specific issues affecting the device?

Our diagnostic process is thorough and systematic. Trained technicians conduct a comprehensive assessment of the iPad, examining both hardware and software components. This involves running diagnostic tests, checking the functionality of various features, and inspecting for any physical damage. We leverage specialised tools to pinpoint the root cause of the issues reported by the customer, ensuring an accurate diagnosis that forms the basis for the repair plan.

2. What measures do you take to ensure the quality and authenticity of replacement parts used in iPad repairs, and how do you address concerns about the use of non-original components?

We prioritise the use of genuine Apple parts or high-quality alternatives in our iPad repairs. Our sourcing process involves obtaining replacement components from reputable suppliers, ensuring compatibility and optimal performance. We understand concerns about non-original components and want to reassure our customers that the parts we use meet or exceed Apple's standards. Transparency in this regard is crucial, and we are open to discussing the origin and quality of the replacement parts with our customers.

3. Can you provide details about the warranty offered on iPad repairs, and how does your service handle situations where customers may encounter issues post-repair?

Our iPad repairs come with a comprehensive warranty covering both parts and labor. This warranty reflects our commitment to the quality of our work. In the rare event that a customer experiences issues after a repair, we encourage them to reach out promptly. We provide post-repair support, reevaluate the iPad, and address any issues covered under the warranty at no additional cost. Our goal is to ensure customer satisfaction and confidence in the repaired device.

4. How do you approach data security when conducting iPad repairs, particularly when accessing the device's storage or performing software-related fixes?

Data security is a top priority in our repair process. When accessing an iPad's storage for diagnostics or software-related fixes, we use secure and encrypted connections to protect user data. Our technicians follow strict protocols to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of personal information. Customers can trust that their data is handled with the utmost care and security throughout the repair process, with a focus on maintaining privacy and protecting sensitive information.

5. In the case of iPad repairs involving water damage, what specific steps are taken to address potential corrosion, and how do you prevent long-term issues associated with water exposure?

Repairing iPads with water damage requires a specialised approach. Our technicians conduct a detailed inspection to identify areas affected by moisture and corrosion. We use specialised cleaning solutions and tools to mitigate corrosion risks. Damaged components are carefully replaced to prevent long-term issues. Additionally, preventive measures such as applying protective coatings are taken to minimise the risk of future corrosion and ensure the device's longevity. Our goal is not only to address immediate issues but to provide a comprehensive solution that prevents recurring problems related to water damage.


Why You Should Choose A Local and Independent iPhone Repair Shop

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Need to repair a device? Visit an ImFixed store for an express repair service today.

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