How Can I Speed Up My Sluggish iPhone

How Can I Speed Up My Sluggish iPhone

Phones often become frustratingly slow over time, affecting both performance and user experience. But why does this happen, and how can you speed them up? In this blog, we’ll explore the most common reasons for phones becoming unresponsive and inefficient, from outdated technology and full storage to potential physical damage. 

We will also provide practical tips to help you restore your iPhone’s speed and efficiency. Whether you’re dealing with a sluggish interface or apps that take forever to load, understanding these underlying issues will empower you to take the necessary steps to improve your phone’s performance. 

If you still need help once you’ve read our expert advice, check out IMFixed online to see what we can do for you. 

Why Do Phones Get So Slow?

Understanding the reasons behind the sluggishness of your phone can help you address and mitigate the issues effectively. Here, we explore three primary factors contributing to a phone's decreased speed: outdated technology, full storage, and physical damage.


One of the primary reasons phones slow down is due to outdated technology. This can be attributed to both planned obsolescence and the natural ageing of technology.

Many manufacturers design their devices with a limited lifespan in mind. Planned obsolescence means that technology is intentionally designed to become outdated or less functional over time. As new operating system updates and applications are released, older phones may struggle to keep up due to their hardware limitations. 

For instance, newer versions of apps or the operating system may require more processing power or memory than older phones can provide, leading to slower performance, which then requires you to buy a new phone to have access to the same user experience you once had. However, this is not always the case.

Over time, technology naturally becomes outdated as newer, more advanced devices are introduced. Components such as processors, RAM, and storage become less efficient compared to their modern counterparts. As apps and software continue to evolve and demand more resources, older devices may not perform as efficiently. This natural ageing process can significantly affect the speed and responsiveness of your phone.

Full Storage

Another major reason for a phone's sluggish performance is full storage. Phones can accumulate a lot of data over time, including:

  • Images
  • Videos
  • Apps
  • Cached files

High-resolution photos and videos consume a substantial amount of storage space. As you take more photos and record more videos, your phone's storage can become saturated, leading to decreased performance. Full storage can also cause apps to lag or crash as there is insufficient space for temporary files and updates.

Apps themselves can take up a significant amount of storage, particularly those with large databases or frequent updates. Additionally, cached items, which are temporary files stored to speed up app performance, can also accumulate over time. While they are meant to improve efficiency, excessive cache files can slow down your device if they are not regularly cleared.


Physical damage can also be a significant factor in a phone’s sluggish performance. Various types of damage can impact how well your device operates, mainly:

  • Hardware damage
  • Software damage

Physical issues such as a cracked screen, damaged battery, or faulty internal components can cause performance problems. For example, a deteriorated battery may lead to erratic performance or overheating, while a damaged screen can affect touch responsiveness, making your phone seem sluggish. Additionally, internal damage from water exposure or drops can disrupt the phone’s internal circuits and lead to slow performance or malfunctions.

In some cases, physical damage can also affect the phone’s software. For example, water damage might lead to software glitches or corrupted files, which can further degrade performance. Over time, even minor hardware issues can compound, leading to slower operation and increased frustration.

It is crucial to address physical damage promptly to prevent further complications and ensure the safe use of your device.

How to Speed Up Your Sluggish iPhone

How Can I Speed Up My Sluggish iPhone

To speed up a sluggish iPhone, you can free up storage, make sure your iOS software is updated to the latest version to benefit from performance improvements and restart your iPhone to refresh its memory and improve responsiveness. 

Delete Files

To improve performance, regularly manage your phone's storage by deleting unused apps, clearing cache files, and transferring photos and videos to external storage or cloud services. 

Cached data, accumulated by apps to enhance performance, can grow over time and occupy considerable storage space. By clearing app caches, you can reduce clutter and improve responsiveness. Similarly, unused apps can consume both storage and background resources, slowing down your device. 

To remove unused apps, go to Settings > General > iPhone Storage to see a list of apps and the space they occupy. From there, you can delete apps you no longer use. Additionally, enable the "Offload Unused Apps" feature to automatically remove apps that you haven't used in a while, retaining their data for future use. Regularly managing your iPhone's storage by deleting unnecessary files helps ensure optimal performance and a more responsive user experience.

Update Your iPhone

Updating and restarting your iPhone are simple yet effective ways to improve its speed and performance. Regularly updating your iOS ensures that your device is running the latest software version, which includes important security patches, bug fixes, and performance enhancements. New updates often optimise system processes, making your iPhone less sluggish.

Restarting your iPhone is another easy way to boost performance. Over time, apps and processes running in the background can consume memory and slow down your device. By restarting, you clear these temporary files and refresh the system’s resources, which can lead to noticeable improvements in speed and responsiveness.

To update your iPhone, go to Settings > General > Software Update and follow the prompts to download and install any available updates. 

How to Know if Your iPhone Needs a Repair

Understanding why your iPhone is sluggish can help you take appropriate action to restore its performance. 

Identifying whether your iPhone needs repair involves observing both its performance and any physical signs of damage. One of the first indicators is a significant decrease in performance. If your iPhone is frequently freezing, crashing, or struggling to run apps smoothly, it might require professional attention. 

Another sign is if the battery drains unusually fast or fails to hold a charge, even after following best practices for battery maintenance. Try to remember if you have dropped your phone or if it sustained any damage before the performance issues started to pinpoint the issue more effectively. 

Physical damage, such as a cracked screen, can be an obvious indicator of the need for repair. Even if the screen remains functional, cracks can lead to further damage over time, compromising the device's integrity. Additionally, issues with touch sensitivity, such as unresponsive or erratic touch input, can also signal underlying hardware problems.

Other symptoms include problems with audio, such as a malfunctioning speaker or microphone, or connectivity issues, such as difficulty connecting to Wi-Fi or Bluetooth devices. Furthermore, if the camera isn’t functioning correctly - failing to focus, or capturing poor-quality images - it might indicate hardware damage.

Persistent software glitches, even after updates, can also suggest that there may be a hardware issue requiring professional repair. If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s wise to seek professional diagnosis and repair to prevent further damage and maintain your iPhone's functionality.

Need Help? Contact IMFixed Today!

Regular maintenance, managing storage, and addressing physical damage are key to keeping your device running smoothly. If you're experiencing persistent issues, professional repair services like those offered at independent, Manchester-based IMfixed can provide the expertise needed to resolve your phone's problems and get it back to optimal performance. 

Visit IMfixed for reliable phone repair services and expert advice tailored to your needs. You can find us in person in:

Or simply take a look at our online offers to see how we can help you if you’re outside of the Manchester area. Check out our online shop where you can find all kinds of phone accessories like Apple phone cases, phone holders, chargers and screen protectors

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